Home address: Via Nino Bixio 2 80135 Naples - Italy
Workshop address: Vico Longo a Carbonara 46 80139 Naples - Italy
Cellular: (+39) 339.57.76.999
Mail: luciolabriola@virgilio.it
Contact Facebook: Giuseppe Lucio Labriola
Contact Linkedin: Lucio Labriola DDT ART
Contact Tweet: Lucio Labriola DDT ART
Translator: Emma Olivieri
"Lucio Ddt Art” is among the most controversial figures of the neapolitan underground scene.
Mario Franco
"Ddt represents poison, and Art represents life. Poison in art, poison of life.”
Lucio Labriola
"Human figures that seem like they lost any humanity"
Stefano Chiuchiarelli
"The images wander furious and lascivious like smoke spirals from a pile of radioactive corpses."
Simone Gravina